Thursday, April 27, 2006

Wii Should Get Together... buy the Nintendo Revolution, um, I mean Wii. Yup. That's the new name for it. Don't ask me why, but here are the ideas I've read:
ii means good in Japanese (Gamespot)
Wii sounds the same as "Oui" which is French for Yes
Wii is implied to represent "We" on the official Nintendo website (
The i's also represent the controller and the people playing it (again, Nintendo)

I am divided at the moment, but there is nothing we can do anyway, so get over it. Judge the system off of the games, not the name.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Pandora,, and PandoraFM

I don't know if I've mentioned Pandora or any time on this blog, so I will now. Plus: the (now authorized) mashup of the two!

First: Pandora. It's a great place to discover new music. Just enter a song or artist you like. Then it will play songs that are musically similar. It works really well. Few community features though. That's what is for...

Second: They have a music streaming service to discover new music, but it doesn't work nearly as well as Pandora does. However, what makes it great is that it will keep track of the music you listen to and let you find people with similar musical tastes. Hint: download the Audioscrobbler Beta software, it is overall better in my opinion.

Third: PandoraFM. The great results of Pandora with automatic submissions to! Originally a "hack", now the author has been given access to the Pandora API, and is semi-sort-of-official.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

American Idol

Hey! I don't believe I've mentioned it here yet, but I have an American Idol blog! Just visit to see it. What makes mine unique? Tuesdays I do a "live" report. Every commercial break I click "Post to Blog" and you have my up-to-the-minute comments! Check it out!

Monday, April 17, 2006

F-Shaped Pattern

People read in F Shaped patterns when browsing the web. Important information for all web developers.

Wow. Never would have guessed. I'm going to have to remember this for the future.

read more | digg story

Friday, April 07, 2006

How to pull an all-nighter.

Great tutorial for those long nights of coding.
**From digg**
About time somebody wrote this.

read more | digg story

Numb3rs & Video Gamers

First, Numb3rs (Fri, CBS, 10pm) is a great show. I like it. You should watch it. However, tonight's episode, is doing a typical media move. Yes, they are pulling a "video gamers are shooters." Sigh. It just seems like they unfairly pick on people who play games. I agree with Tim of Ctrl+Alt+Del. It takes someone who is already a little messed up in the head to have video games trigger violence. And that's all I have to say.