Friday, August 18, 2006

The End

Unfortunately, I am afraid I am going to be leaving Blogger. Their new (Beta) features are just too little, too late. I'll keep this one open, and mainly use it to inform about various guides I'm writing, but maybe not even that.
So, where to find me now. Without a doubt, the best free blogging platform on the web is Wordpress, and the guys who head that open source software project created a commercial version entitled, you guessed it: It is superb. So my new blog is on it. Now I have a catchier title too: Life, the Universe, and Nothing. I wanted my URL to be nothingatall.blahblahblah... but I had to settle for So, go and check it out! And Blogger, it was fun while it lasted.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Perplex City Live Event - Right Now!

The Perplex City live San Fransisco Connection event has started! Head over to as we need as many people as possible to help!

Friday, August 04, 2006

My Eagle Project

HPIM0444HPIM0444 Hosted on Zooomr

My Eagle Scout project is tomorrow morning. This is a photo of the trail where it will be held.