Now you KNOW that I'm busy...
SEE! Just visit this site and you will know why I don't blog much...
Note: This works for anything you put before as long as it doesn't have any invalid characters (spaces, etc.)
SEE! Just visit this site and you will know why I don't blog much...
Can YOU name all the icons in my icon tray? Post a reply with what you think they all are!
What do many Podcasts use to let people co-host the show from across the country? Skype. It is a free program from the makers of Kazaa that allows you to talk free over the internet. I haven't used it yet, but it sounds cool.
Podcasts. You have probably heard of Podcasts by now. You probably have begun listening to them. If you haven't, then start!
KOMO News - News from the Puget Sound, WA area.Happy Podcasting!
Reel Reviews - They review movies. In depth.
Battlestar Galactica - Listen to the commentary for the show, while you are watching it on TV.
... or is Apple just whining?
Today, I did a little work on my blog's feeds. I now made it where there is only one feed avaliable to subscribe to. And this is the one I want you to use. I also deleted the old feed and made a new one avaliable. It is at This new feed has a new, better looking browser readable style. If you don't use My Yahoo!, you can add the feed to about 5 other online readers by visiting the feed in your web browser. There are also some easy-to-add-to-feed-programs links at the feed's page. So check the feed out the link is above.